This endpoint allows you to define and reset the endpoint.
URL: {base URL}/sparql/reset
Method: POST
- Content-Type:
entailments: Optional boolean flag (case sensitive) to enable standard entailments. Default: false.
owlrl: Optional boolean flag to enable OWL RL reasoning. Default: false.
load: Optional boolean flag to (re)load data. Default: false.
profile: Optional configuration .ttl file in addition to the profile.ttl. Default: none.
localhost: Optional Boolean flag indicating whether to use http://localhost:8080 address notation for the server (true) or attempt to retrieve the canonical address of the server (false). Default is false
Response status code 200 and the response body as “Endpoint reset” if the reset operation is successful.
Response status code 500 and the response body containing an error message if the load operation fails.
Request Example:
To execute this example we recommend launching the Corese Docker container.
# POST /sparql/reset HTTP/1.1
# Host: https://localhost:8080
# Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
# load="true"
curl -X POST \
--url http://localhost:8080/sparql/reset \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data "load=true"
Response Example:
Endpoint reset