
This endpoint allows you to define and reset the endpoint.

URL: {base URL}/sparql/reset

Method: POST


  • Content-Type:
    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  • entailments: Optional boolean flag (case sensitive) to enable standard entailments. Default: false.

  • owlrl: Optional boolean flag to enable OWL RL reasoning. Default: false.

  • load: Optional boolean flag to (re)load data. Default: false.

  • profile: Optional configuration .ttl file in addition to the profile.ttl. Default: none.

  • localhost: Optional Boolean flag indicating whether to use http://localhost:8080 address notation for the server (true) or attempt to retrieve the canonical address of the server (false). Default is false


  • Response status code 200 and the response body as “Endpoint reset” if the reset operation is successful.

  • Response status code 500 and the response body containing an error message if the load operation fails.

Request Example:

To execute this example we recommend launching the Corese Docker container.

# POST /sparql/reset HTTP/1.1
# Host: https://localhost:8080
# Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
# load="true"

curl -X POST \
    --url http://localhost:8080/sparql/reset \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data "load=true"

Response Example:

Endpoint reset