
This endpoint allows you to load RDF data to the Corese server.

URL: {base URL}/sparql/load

Method: POST


  • Content-Type:
    • application/x-www-form-urlencoded


  • remote_path: Required URL of the server used to store the data, all of the rdf files in the path will be loaded

  • source: Optional graph name for the uploaded data.


SPARQL Update operations may not be authorized by a remote server.


Response status code 200 and the response body as “Successfully loaded <name of the data path>” if the load operation is successful.

Response status code 500 and the response body containing an error message if the load operation fails.

Request Example:

To execute this example we recommend launching the Corese Docker container.

This example will load test dataset stored in the http://ns.inria.fr/humans/data remote directory into a graph <http://ns.inria.fr/humans>.

# POST /sparql/load HTTP/1.1
# Host: https://localhost:8080
# Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded
# remote_path="http://ns.inria.fr/humans/data"
# source="http://ns.inria.fr/humans"

curl -X POST \
    --url http://localhost:8080/sparql/load \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    --data "remote_path=http://ns.inria.fr/humans/data" \
    --data "source=http://ns.inria.fr/humans"

Response Example:

Successfully loaded http://ns.inria.fr/humans/data