
Software platform for the Semantic Web of Linked Data

This is a Docker image for hosting the Corese Semantic Web Server that implements RDF, RDFS, SPARQL 1.1 Query & Update, OWL-RL, SHACL. Corese also implements the LDScript and STTL SPARQL extensions.

The Docker image tag includes the Corese version installed in the image. The following versions are currently available:

  • corese:4.5.1

  • corese:4.5.0

  • corese:4.4.1

  • corese:4.4.0

  • corese:4.3.0

  • corese:4.2.4

Running the Corese Docker image#

Running with the docker run command#

The simplest way to run Corese is to execute the following command. It starts a fresh empty Corese server ready to execute queries submitted to http://localhost:8080/sparql.

docker run --name my-corese \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -d wimmics/corese

To load data when Corese starts up, place your RDF files in the data directory and mount it as follows:

docker run --name my-corese \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -v /my/local/path/data:/usr/local/corese/data \
    -d wimmics/corese

Additionally, you can control configuration parameters and check log files by mounting the config and log directories respectively:

docker run --rm -d --name my-corese \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -v /my/local/path/log:/usr/local/corese/log \
    -v /my/local/path/data:/usr/local/corese/data \
    -v /my/local/path/config:/usr/local/corese/config \
    -d wimmics/corese

Running with Docker Compose#

Alternatively, you can run the image using Docker Compose. Create the docker-compose.yml file as follows:

version: "3"
    image: wimmics/corese
    build: ./corese
      - "8080:8080"
      - "/my/local/path/log:/usr/local/corese/log"
      - "/my/local/path/data:/usr/local/corese/data"
      - "/my/local/path/config:/usr/local/corese/config"

Then run: docker-compose up -d

Loading data at start-up#

To load data into Corese at start-up, place your data files in the mounted data folder.

Supported extensions are: .ttl, .jsonld, .rdf (for RDF/XML), .csv, .tsv, .html (for rdfa).

Then delete the config/corese-profile.ttl file and restart the Docker container. A new corese-profile.ttl file will be created, listing the files to be loaded from data. Alternatively, you may edit a previously created corese-profile.ttl file and change the list of data files to be loaded.


Corese configuration files#

When it starts, the container will look for three files and create them if they do not exist:

  • config/ This file allows you to tune various parameters in Corese, such as configuring the storage system. Learn more.

  • config/corese-profile.ttl: This file defines a standard server and instructs Corese to load files found in data. It can be used to create multiple endpoints, restrict access to external endpoints, and more. Learn more.

  • config/log4j2.xml: This is the configuration file for the logging system used by Corese, which is based on log4j. You can modify this file to change the way logs are generated by the application. You can control aspects like the level of detail in logs (e.g., INFO, WARN, DEBUG, ERROR), the formatting of log messages, and the destination of log messages (console, file, etc.).

Note: To apply changes, you must edit the files and restart the container.

Changing the JVM heap size#

To change the memory allocated to the JVM that runs Corese, provide the environment variable $JVM_XMX with the value of the -Xmx JVM parameter.


  • Add the option -e JVM_XMX=1024m to the docker run command.

  • Alternatively, add the following to the docker-compose.yml file:

  JVM_XMX: "1024m"

Passing Custom Options to Corese#

You can pass custom options to the Corese-Server by using the OPTIONS environment variable when running the wimmics/corese Docker image.

To specify custom options when running the container:

  • Add the -e OPTIONS="<your_options>" option to the docker run command.

  • For example, to use the -su option, you can run:

docker run -e OPTIONS="-su" wimmics/corese


docker run -e OPTIONS="-protect" wimmics/corese

If you prefer using a docker-compose.yml file to define your container, you can also specify the OPTIONS environment variable within it. Here’s an example:

  OPTIONS: "<your_options>"

You can include this environment section within your docker-compose.yml file, replacing <your_options> with the desired options.

Testing the container#

To test if the container runs properly, simply execute the script below, which submits the query select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 100:

curl --header "Accept: application/sparql-results+json" "http://localhost:8080/sparql?query=$QUERY"

To test a SPARQL update request, run the script below:

QUERY='PREFIX dc: <> INSERT DATA { <http://example/book1> dc:title "A new book" . }'
curl \
  -X POST \
  --header "Content-Type: application/sparql-update" \
  -d "$QUERY" \

General Information#