
The sparql command allows executing SPARQL queries specifying various options for input and output formats.


corese-command sparql [-hRvw] [-i=<inputs>...] [-f=<inputFormat>]
                      [-r=<resultFormat>] [-o=<output>]

Options and arguments:

  • -q, --query <string|path|URL> : Required SPARQL query string or path/URL to a .rq file

  • -i, --input-data <input file|dir|pattern|URL> : Optional path to a file, directory, filename pattern, or URL containing the RDF data. Default: standard input.

  • -f, -if, --input-format <format> : Input format is automatically detected for files. Use this option with the standard input or if you want to force the input file format. Supported input formats are listed below.

  • -R, --recursive: Recursively input all the files in the input directory and sub-directories.

  • -r, -of, --result-format <format> : Output format of the query results. Supported output formats are listed below. Default: markdown table.

  • -o, --output-data <output_file> : Optional path to save the query results. Default: standard output.

  • -c, --config, --init <path> : Optional path to the configuration file.

  • -w, --no-owl-import : Disables the automatic import of referenced ontologies specified in ‘owl:imports’ statements in the profile.ttl file. Default: enabled.

  • -v, --verbose : Display verbose output.

  • -h, --help: Display sparql command options.


Multiple files and mixture of file sources can be specified as input data. Each source has to be preceded by the -i option.


To run this example you can download the sample data file beatles.rdf.

corese-command sparql -q "select * where {?s ?p ?o} limit 2" \
                      -i beatles.rdf \
                      -r tsv
?s      ?p      ?o
<>   <>     <>
<>  <>     <>

For more examples, see the Getting Started Guide.

Input formats#

  • RDF/XML: rdfxml, rdf or application/rdf+xml

  • Turtle: turtle, ttl or text/turtle

  • TriG: trig or application/trig

  • JSON-LD: jsonld or application/ld+json

  • NTRIPLES: ntriples, nt or application/n-triples

  • NQUADS: nquads, nq, or application/n-quads

  • RDFa/HTML: rdfa, html, application/xhtml+xml

Output (results) formats#

Output formats depend on the query form. The following formats are supported:


  • XML: xml, srx or application/sparql-results+xml

  • Json: json, srj or application/sparql-results+json

  • CSV: csv or text/csv

  • TSV: tsv or text/tab-separated-values

  • Markdown: markdown, md or `text/markdown


  • RDF/XML: rdfxml, rdf or application/rdf+xml

  • Turtle: turtle, ttl or text/turtle

  • TriG: trig or application/trig

  • JSON-LD: jsonld or application/ld+json

  • NTRIPLES: ntriples, nt or application/n-triples

  • NQUADS: nquads, nq, or application/n-quads

  • RDFC: rdfc-1.0, rdfc-1.0-sha256, rdfc-1.0-sha384